The financial side of running a business is something that most creatives seem to shy away from, but crucially is an important aspect that can ensure the success or failure of your creative endeavours. Graduates need to be financially aware and busines savy. Recently we contacted TWD a firm of accountants with offices around the UK. They are one of the UK's leading low-cost, fixed fee tax and accountantcy services. They have agree to provide our third year students with packs which cover issues such as setting up small businesses and steps to dealing with taxation for the selfemploymed/freelancers. Ok so this might not be your first choice for bedside reading but it will at least equip them with some basic finanical foundations which ensure more of the money they make stays in their pockets.
This information constantly changes as government policy shifts and so its great to have TWD on side advising our students. This isn't an advert for there services and unfortuneatly I'm not recieving a cut of their profits for the year.
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